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Drum packaging line

Drum packaging line

  • Category:Automatic packaging line
  • Release date:2021-06-26 15:52:47
advantage The automatic packaging line has many outstanding advantages, such as improving packaging quality, increasing production capacity, improving labor conditions, reducing floor space, and reducing production costs. It is especially suitable for the packaging of small varieties and large quantities of products. It is the development direction of the packaging industry. It adopts both series and parallel forms in one packaging line. Its purpose is to balance the production cycle of each packaging machine. This line is generally long and has a large number of machines, so there are many and complex types of conveying, reversing, diverting, and merging devices.
  • Product description
  • Device parameters


Automatic packaging lines can generally be classified in the following ways:

By connection characteristics

①Rigid automatic packaging line. Each packaging machine is directly connected by a conveying device, and runs at a certain production cycle. If a device fails to stop, it will cause the entire line to stop.

②Flexible automatic packaging line. This kind of automatic line is equipped with a stocker between each packaging machine, and the stocker feeds the subsequent packaging machines. If a machine fails, it will not affect the work of other machines, so the productivity is higher, but the investment is larger.

③ Semi-flexible automatic packaging line. This kind of automatic line divides the whole line into several sections. For those with few failures, there is no stocker to make it "rigid"; for those with more failures, a stocker is set to make it "flexible". It not only ensures high productivity, but the investment is not too large.

Layout by combination

①Automatic packaging line in series. The packaging machines are connected in sequence according to the process flow. Each stand-alone production cycle is the same.

②Parallel automatic packaging line. In order to balance the production cycle and improve production capacity, the same packaging machines are divided into groups to complete the same packaging operation together. Such an automatic line is called a parallel automatic packaging line. Some reversing or merging devices are required in this type of line.

③ Hybrid automatic packaging line. It adopts both series and parallel forms in one packaging line. Its purpose is to balance the production cycle of each packaging machine. This line is generally long and has a large number of machines, so there are many and complex types of conveying, reversing, diverting, and merging devices.

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